Wednesday, May 15, 2019

life update


It's currently 3.17am. So, life updates since I last posted here... well,

I'm taking my master's degree.
I'm an assistant fellow in my college.
I am obsessed with Game of Thrones (finale is this coming Monday omg!!)
I finally got my driver's license (like, few months ago).
I got fat, but am trying to lose weight lmao.
I became fellow advisor for PROSPEK and BETAS.

That's it I guess. but. one more.

I become isolated from society.

Since I'm living alone, and I don't have much classes, I often stay in my room. I'd go online, or read a book, or sleep, maybe eat. I can't really afford to go out like I used to. So I only go out when asked and if I can. Usually my significant other would pay for my food, so it seems like I only go out with him. But yeah, I really can't afford to go out these days. So I don't even bother asking anyone else to go out.

This made me feel utterly sad. Lonely. Truly, I felt and am still feeling alone. Because I live alone and have no roommates. Hahahah. Plus the friends I have here have their own friends, so :(


I should probably start working, though. At least I get to earn money and socialize. But that's the thing. I'm probably scared of working. I've never worked my entire life. Yup, it's such a big step for me to actually work and earn my own money. I hope I get past this fear.

Anyway, I'll post more soon, maybe. About the friends I made during PROSPEK and BETAS. They taught me a lot and I really love them. (or maybe I just got attached idk hahahah)

It's week 12 and I have so many assignments to finish. I just pray that I get to ace this semester!!! USAHA!!! DOA!!!! TAWAKAL!!!!! IN SHA ALLAH! AAMIIINNN!!!!


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