Saturday, September 12, 2015



The third semester has begun! It has been a week though. Haha! So far so good. My roommates are awesome because they're Nadiah and Izzah! Heheh. Classes are okay, though we haven't been into two classes because the lecturers were busy. I hope they'll be there in the coming weeks because I can't wait to get started! I know most people dread classes but I'm looking forward to it.

I've been busy for the past month with all the preparation for orientation week or MHS they call it. Sleeping late night and waking up early. That's something I really like because I get to be productive and my body clock works just nice. But when MHS came.... wow. We didn't get much sleep but it was alright. It was truly an experience to teach the freshies chants, dances and telling them about UM, getting to know them and just simply welcoming them here. We're the first few people they meet so we have to give a good first impression. I hope we all did well and I hope they'll learn to love the college as well as UM the way I did and still do.

What else should I write about? Oh! My friends and I went to Breakout room in Nu Sentral. They had a promotion and we did the Testament of Tesla room. It was so cool! Haha! We managed to figure out some clues but we still needed the Game Master's help. I honestly would try again but with different rooms. The room we tried has a difficulty level of 5/5 so yeah. Our Game Master, Shafiq, recommended that we try the 4/5 room which is Dreadnought. I hope we'll go there again and try Dreadnought!! Heheheh.

By the waaaaay, I have someone special in my life! :3 I miss him so much right now but I know he's busy doing whatever that he is doing. Haha. It's cool how we actually liked each other way before this without us knowing but now everything has been revealed! Muahahaha. I hope he's fine wherever he is right now. Can't be too attached. I'll try to let him be. Huhuhu.

That is all for now, I'll try to update as often as I can (which is probably once every month). I miss my family but not to the point of crying (yet).
